Dr. Roshan - Best Pediatric Orthopaedic Surgeon in Secunderabad

Best Limb Lengthening Treatment in Secunderabad

Specialist in Pediatric Orthopaedic Surgery in Secunderabad

Limb Lengthening, a surgical procedure also known as distraction osteogenesis, is undertaken to address conditions where there is a notable difference in the length of limbs. This technique involves the gradual lengthening of the bone, allowing new bone tissue to form and reducing the limb length discrepancy.

Limb Lengthening can be categorized into recognized types:

  • External Fixation: Involves the use of an external device, such as an external fixator, to gradually lengthen the bone.
  • Internal Lengthening: Involves the use of an internal device, such as a telescopic rod or an intramedullary nail, for the lengthening process.
  • Symptoms of limb length discrepancy may include an uneven gait, hip or back pain, and difficulty with certain activities. The impact of the condition can vary, influenced by factors such as the degree of discrepancy and the effectiveness of treatment.

    The exact cause of limb length discrepancy can be congenital, developmental, or the result of injuries or surgeries. Diagnosis typically involves a physical examination, imaging studies like X-rays, and gait analysis.

    Treatment for limb lengthening aims to correct the discrepancy and may involve gradual adjustments using external or internal devices. The process allows for controlled bone growth and tissue formation.

    Ongoing research in the field of Limb Lengthening focuses on refining surgical techniques and improving outcomes for individuals affected by this condition.

    Dr. Roshan, the best Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon in Secunderabad, plays a crucial role in diagnosing and treating limb length discrepancy. With his background in MBBS and DNB Orthopedics, Dr. Roshan specializes in addressing this condition and utilizes various methods, including Limb Lengthening, to ensure optimal limb alignment.

    For more information on the best treatment for limb length discrepancy and to secure the best care for individuals affected by this condition, appointments with Dr. Roshan can be scheduled either by calling or through the online booking system.
