Dr. Roshan - Best Pediatric Orthopaedic Surgeon in Secunderabad

Best Cerebral palsy Treatment in Secunderabad

Specialist in Pediatric Orthopaedic Surgery in Secunderabad

Cerebral Palsy (CP), often referred to as a neurological disorder, is a condition characterized by impaired muscle coordination and movement. There are various recognized types of Cerebral Palsy, each presenting with varying degrees of severity:

  • Spastic: Involves muscle stiffness and difficulties in movement.
  • Dyskinetic: Involves uncontrollable, involuntary movements.
  • Ataxic: Affects balance and coordination.
  • Mixed: Combines symptoms from different types.
  • Symptoms of Cerebral Palsy can include impaired motor skills, speech difficulties, and challenges with daily activities.

    The condition is typically caused by brain damage or abnormalities during fetal development, childbirth, or early childhood. The extent and location of the brain damage determine the type and severity of Cerebral Palsy.

    Treatment for Cerebral Palsy focuses on managing symptoms and improving the individual's quality of life. This may involve physical therapy, speech therapy, assistive devices, medications, and, in some cases, surgical interventions.

    Ongoing research aims to develop new therapies and interventions for Cerebral Palsy, with a focus on enhancing the overall well-being of those affected by this neurological disorder. Additionally, genetic counseling is often recommended for families with a history of Cerebral Palsy to assess the risk of potential genetic factors.

    Dr. Roshan, recognized as the best Pediatric Orthopedic Surgeon in Secunderabad, specializes in addressing Cerebral Palsy. With a background in MBBS and DNB Orthopedics, Dr. Roshan, employs non-invasive approaches such as therapeutic measures and targeted exercises to address motor challenges, steering away from more complex surgical methods.

    For further information on the Best Cerebral palsy Treatment in Secunderabad, and to ensure the best care for individuals affected by this condition, appointments with Dr. Roshan can be scheduled either by calling or through the online booking system.
