Unraveling CETV: Exploring Causes, Symptoms, and Effective Treatments

CETV, or Congenital Equinovarus Talipes, is a condition commonly known as clubfoot, affecting infants' feet from birth. It's characterized by a foot or feet that are turned inward and downward, making them appear twisted or rotated. While this condition may seem alarming, understanding its causes, symptoms, and treatment options can help parents navigate the journey to corrective care for their child.

Causes of CETV: The exact cause of CETV is not always clear, but it's believed to be a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Some potential causes and risk factors include:

  • Genetics: CETV can run in families, suggesting a genetic predisposition to the condition.
  • Intrauterine Positioning: The position of the baby in the womb can contribute to the development of CETV, especially if there's limited space for proper foot positioning.
  • Muscle Imbalance: Imbalances in the muscles and tendons of the foot and lower leg can lead to the characteristic inward and downward rotation seen in clubfoot.

Symptoms of CETV: The primary symptom of CETV is the appearance of a foot or feet that are turned inward and downward. Other common signs and symptoms may include:
  • Limited range of motion in the affected foot or feet.
  • Stiffness or rigidity in the foot.
  • Tightness or thickening of the skin on the bottom of the foot.
  • Treatment Options for CETV:
    Early intervention is key in treating CETV, ideally starting soon after birth. Treatment options may include:
  • Ponseti Method: This non-surgical approach involves gently manipulating the foot into a corrected position and then casting it to maintain alignment. The cast is typically changed every week for several weeks until the foot is properly aligned.
  • Bracing: After the initial casting phase, the child may wear a brace or orthotic device to maintain the corrected position and prevent relapse.
  • Surgery: In some cases where conservative methods are not successful, surgery may be recommended to release tight tendons and ligaments or realign bones in the foot.
  • For parents seeking the best CETV treatment specialist in Minister Road, look no further than Dr. Roshan Kumar Jaiswal, the best pediatric orthopaedic surgeon. With his expertise and dedication to pediatric orthopaedics, Dr.Roshan Kumar Jaiswal offers compassionate and comprehensive care for children with CETV. Take the first step towards your child's journey to healthy, properly aligned feet by scheduling a consultation with Dr. Roshan Kumar Jaiswal today. Your child deserves the best care possible, and Dr. Jaiswal is here to provide it